John’s Witness
When the squad cars rolled to a stop, John Water’s was finishing a speech to a receptive crowd at the Rally for Peace.  As he passed through the concrete barriers, Officer Palmer met him. “John, brother, you’re getting me in hot water with the Commissioner.  And the People’s Mayor? Tell me you’re him.”
“Who’s asking? You or downtown?”
“Look my brother, I come in Peace.”
“Rolling up, three squads deep, that’s not a Peace move...”
“I’m not your problem John. Inquiring minds want to know.  If downtown wanted your job, boom, it would be gone and I wouldn’t be able to do anything.  I’m here as a mediator. So help us both out.“
“Look, friend, I not the People’s Mayor. Too old.”
“Well, do you have a name?”
“Hah, no.  Truth is, I haven’t met him myself.  Chatter online and it seems to point to an appearance in Vegas this month.”
“So, we’re looking for a male?”
“He or she will find you Palmer.  I’m just letting folks know to get their houses in order by September.”