//--> A Lame Man's Pool. Pt 2.
Men wrote that.”
“Yeah, inspired by the Holy Spirit. God's spirit was in them, giving direction on what to write. We don’t see God, but He's there, showing us love -- relationship love and unconditional love….”
“Say that again,” the guy in the backseat pipes up.
“Relationship love is give and take. We expect something back -- like from your wife, your family, your friends. If I give, I want something back.
But then there is love with no expectations, no conditions. My boyfriend goes into juvenile halls and talks to the young guys -- rapists, murderers, bangers, without fathers, to let them know they are loved...”
“Now, that’s cool. They need that,” Dale says, reflecting.
“Point is, God is love. His love is unconditional. He doesn't need me to love him. Though I want that relationship. When my boyfriend goes into juvi, he's there to give -- though I know he's blessed by it. Those guys aren't real family, but so what. You don’t have to be family to care about someone.
A homeless man or a girl on the corner, they need help too. God helped open my eyes to see that and make myself available to help. Yeah, it’s a love letter. Wouldn’t you like your girlfriend to know your needs in a way you don’t have to ask?"
"That wasn’t my girlfriend!” defensive, like Zora had dogged his momma.
The car turns into a desolate street with too few streetlights. Good talk trails off. Dale seems in a lighter mood.
“I appreciate you. I like asking questions.”
“Enjoy your night.”
Zora thinks about getting a number, for Cam'el to possibly meet with them, but instead asks into the rearview, “You okay?”
“Idiots, that was so awkward,” she says.